Want to protect your assets and property?

We can help.

Estate Administration, Wills and Trusts / Elder Law

We provide professional and timely legal advice and representation to our clients in areas of asset protection.




We can prepare a Will for you that ensures that your wishes in relation to disposal of your assets go to those you want to inherit. Without a Will, your Estate could be distributed under the Rules provided in the Administration Act.

A Will made in a Law Office is normally cheaper to administer than a Will made with a Trust Company.

Administration of Estates

We are experienced in the administration of Estates including Applications of Probate to the High Court which enables the Will to be used to uplift and distribute the assets of the deceased in accordance with the wishes of the deceased. We also assist the clients in filing an application for Letters of Administration, in the event, your loved ones have passed away without leaving behind a Will.

Enduring Powers of Attorney

We provide sound advice in relation to the preparation of an Enduring Power of Attorney for both Personal Care and Property. These documents normally come into force when you become mentally incapable and are unable of making decision about your personal care and welfare and property matters.

Expert Area’s


Enduring Powers of Attorney

Formation of Family Trusts

Administration of Estates

Probate Applications

Asset Protection


Retirement Village Documentation

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